SugarCRM Users Actions


SugarCRM Users Actions module logs users activity in your SugarCRM application. Actions tracked are: Login, Logout, Detail View, Create, Edit, Delete. You can see who performed the action, the user IP, date and time when action was done, what items was accessed, edited or deleted.

SKU: SC2 Category:


SugarCRM Users Actions module logs users activity in your SugarCRM application. Actions tracked are: Login, Logout, Detail View, Create,  Edit, Delete. You can see who performed the action, the user IP, date and time when action was done, what items was accessed, edited or deleted. In Settings page you can choose to exclude logging activity of some users, IPs, modules or actions. In users actions list you can filter by user, action, module, date and other fields, and you can sort by any of this fields. In detail view of a user activity you can see all details and also Whois details by IP. In your homepage there are two dashlets with bar charts available that gives you a nice overview of users activities.


  1. Log into SugarCRM as an administrator.
  2. Click on Admin in the top right hand corner.
  3. Select Module Loader.
  4. Click Choose File and select the downloaded file.
  5. Click Install, then click Commit
  6. Go to Admin -> Repair -> Quick Repair and Rebuild


Go to Admin -> Users Activity panel ->Settings.

In Settings page you can choose to exclude logging activity of some users, IPs, modules or actions.

users activity settings1 users-activities-list




If you have problems installing or using this plugin, or any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us


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